Mats for the homeless ministry
September 16, 2026 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Our St. Raymond’s Mats for the Homeless Ministry has just partnered with two additional organizations helping the homeless in the Chicagoland area. We could use your help as the demand has increased. The purpose of this ministry is to provide sleeping mats to Chicagoland homeless persons. Clean, plastic grocery bags are cut, knotted into “plarn” (plastic yarn) and crocheted into mats. Work from home to do one or more of the following: 1) sort and flatten the plastic bags; 2) cut the plastic into strips; 3) knot the strips and roll into balls; 4) crochet the mats. We gather on the 3rd Wednesday (6:30pm-8:30pm) of every other month for camaraderie and sharing in the PMC Formation Room. Meetings are ODD months of the year. For more information, please call or text Kathi Szott at 847-226-6369, or email katsz928@yahoo.com