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Gathering of Women

Gathering of Women is a Saturday morning enrichment opportunity for women which includes Mass, a continental breakfast, a speaker and time for sharing.  Our speakers are women who are widely recognized as excellent presenters with good, practical insights.  We offer this opportunity twice a year.  Mass begins at 8:00 AM and the speaker is finished by 11:00 AM.  Topics include issues that are of concern to women:  living our faith, growing in our unique spiritualities, the church today, appreciating and dealing with relationships, understanding scripture in a way that nourishes us, etc. 

Gathering of Women has been very well received in our parish.  The women especially appreciate the opportunity to get together with other women, to gather with old friends, to meet new friends and to be affirmed, nurtured and challenged in living our faith-life more fully.  We usually have about 120 women participating at each session.



Please contact the Parish Ministry Center at 847-253-8600.

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75th Dancing in Diamonds Sock Hop Gala

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Sat Feb 08, 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm - Saturday | February 8, 2025 | 6:30-11:00 pm ROLLING GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 2525 EAST RAND ROAD | ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $125...

75th Family Mass and Field of Diamonds Picnic

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Sat Jul 12, All Day - Details to come.