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Our shared Catholic faith is enlivened by the core values we hold:

WELCOME: Jesus engaged everyone from the marginalized to the mainstream. All were and all are welcome.

  • As a welcoming community, we strive to be a place where all are accepted in Christ, wherever they are in their journey and pilgrimage of faith.
  • Our parish community endeavors to embody Christian joy and goodness. We celebrate our lives with various social events that support and renew us as community.

LOVE: Jesus inspires and instructs us to love everyone. Yes, everyone – people of every race, language, and way of life.

  • In our willingness to embody Christ, we minister with love and compassion to those who suffer physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  • We gather in communion and worship as one in a spirit of charity and acceptance.
  • We stand in solidarity with the poor through our almsgiving and outreach. By doing so, we are committed to the Gospel’s call for peace and justice.

Serve: Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, served his friends, healed, counseled, suffered and enjoyed humankind. He calls us to do the same.

  • We nurture and encourage our faith in the religious formation of our children and youth. As Catholic adults, we share a commitment to grow in our faith, especially through continued learning and servant leadership.
  • We cultivate a spirituality of Stewardship, developing these ideals through prayer, education and example.

Want to know more or have a question?  Get in contact with us now!  We’d love to hear from you!

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Upcoming Events


75th Dancing in Diamonds Sock Hop Gala

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Sat Feb 08, 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm - Saturday | February 8, 2025 | 6:30-11:00 pm ROLLING GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 2525 EAST RAND ROAD | ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $125...

75th Family Mass and Field of Diamonds Picnic

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Sat Jul 12, All Day - Details to come.