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Kellina Bruett-Fedell

Confirmation Coordinator for Grades 7-8

Kellina will serve part-time as Confirmation Coordinator, a position that will work with our Faith Formation Team. Kellina brings a wealth of knowledge, including a Religious Studies Degree from The University of Dayton and a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies from Loyola IPS. She has taught in Catholic high schools, including Holy Trinity and St. Ben’s in Chicago. Kellina currently works part-time with DePaul University’s Office of Undergrad Admissions and is a substitute teacher at several of the area high schools, including St. Viator. In addition, she has been a catechist and small group leader at a local parish for several years.

Kellina will be assisting the Faith Formation team with Confirmation preparation for grades 7-8, including classroom and curriculum support. She will lead our 8th-grade Sunday Night Confirmation Sessions, the Confirmation Retreat, and RE 7th-grade Edge Nights. In addition, as her time allows, she will support the overall RE program and Family Faith Nights. We are excited to have Kellina’s energy, creativity, and teaching skills as we continue to Build Our New Reality by developing family and youth formation opportunities leading others to grow as missionary disciples.

Kellina grew up in Arlington Heights and went to John Hersey High School. She is married to Alex and they live in Mount Prospect with their two grade-school-aged children.

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75th Dancing in Diamonds Sock Hop Gala

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Sat Feb 08, 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm - Saturday | February 8, 2025 | 6:30-11:00 pm ROLLING GREEN COUNTRY CLUB 2525 EAST RAND ROAD | ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $125...

75th Family Mass and Field of Diamonds Picnic

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Sat Jul 12, All Day - Details to come.