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Parish Transformation Update


We need YOU!  There are lots of new ways to be involved. Please call the PMC at  847-253-8600 to join in!

EVANGELIZATION: St. Raymond’s had a booth at the MP Farmer’s Market last weekend and gave away 300 St. Raymond market bags and 240 St. Raymond water bottles and made a lot of new friends. We need help for our return to the Farmer’s Market on September 18th.

EVANGELIZATION:  Ray-vinia on August 6th was a revived parish fundraiser which attracted all ages.

OUTREACH MINISTRY:  The Outreach Ministry now sends hand-written bereavement notes at the 6-month anniversary of a funeral at St. Raymond.

ST. RAYMOND GARDENERS:  This new group has grown to 19 people.  Independent gardening projects around the campus are coordinated via email.

PARISH SCHOOL/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM:  New grade-level Sunday 9:30 Masses sponsored by both the parish school and religious education students in Grades 3-8 will begin this fall.

PARISH SCHOOL/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM:  Prayer Jars are being put into the classrooms that are shared by both parish school and religious education students to encourage praying for each other.

PARISH SCHOOL:  The Parish School will continue to host hospitality after designated 8:15 a.m. weekday Masses.

PARISHIONER SUPPORT:  A local family in need has moved into a purchased 3 bedroom trailer in Des Plaines. A group of concerned parishioners worked in conjunction with Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul, and other local parishes in this successful effort.

GREETER MINISTRY:  Greeters welcomed parishioners and visitors at the doors on Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Parish Mission, Easter and Pentecost. We plan to greet at all Masses on September 10/11, October 8/9, November 12/13 and December 10/11 in 2016, as well as the Oct 16th First Communion candidacy Mass at 9:30 a.m.

EDUCATION SUPPORT: Volunteers are being solicited for school activities; namely, in class for special projects and outside of class in a clerical capacity.  Volunteer lists will be established to meet school needs as they occur during the year.

COMMUNICATION:  One-page informational flyers highlighting upcoming events and ministries are available.

COMMUNICATION: A new parish-wide calendar is available on our website at 

PARENTING:  Youth Ministry hosted a Parenting Book Discussion Group on four Thursday mornings and evenings in February.

OUTREACH:  The St. Raymond food pantry merged with the Lutheran Church of Christ food depository