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Have you noticed any changes here at St. Raymond?

A large team of parishioners has completed the Parish Transformation planning process. We have generated a plan including a “mission narrative” and specific action items focused on areas of evangelization and spiritual stewardship. This planning process culminated in a successful meeting with our Vicar, Bishop Rassas, and representatives of the Archdiocesan Parish Transformation Office on February 2nd at which we presented our plan and answered their questions about the plan and the process. The Bishop shared these strong words of encouragement as we begin the implementation phase of Parish Transformation:

  • We need to communicate our hopes and dreams and goals to people in the pews -­and to people who are not in the pews.
  • In all our efforts, we should always act out of compassion, love and concern for

The Parish Transformation Plan will be explained in greater detail to the parish at large on Pentecost Sunday, May 14 and 15. In the meantime, we are looking for a volunteer with video editing skillsIf you or someone you know has this talent and can help edit a video for the roll out to the parish, please let us know by leaving a message at the PMC.

–Tim and Lorelei McDermott and Lucie Kreidler

Even though the official roll out of Parish Transformation doesn’t happen until May, some things are already happening:

  • Greeters welcomed parishioners and visitors at the doors on Christmas and Ash
  • One-page informational flyers highlighting upcoming events and ministries are available.
  • A new parish-wide calendar is available on our website at
  • Youth Ministry hosted a Parenting Book Discussion Group on four Thursday mornings and evenings in February.
  • Every other Tuesday,the parish school children invite 8:15 am mass. attendees to
  • The Raymond food pantry merged with the Lutheran Church of Christ food depository.
  • Positive interventions to promote positive behavior introduced in St. Raymond School.